Literatuur over isopods - 38

Wetenschappelijke artikelen over isopods - voornamelijk pdf-bestanden

The Expression Of One Ankyrin Pk 2 Allele Of The WO Prophage Is Correlated With The Wolbachia Feminizing Effect In Isopods 2012
PDF – 1.018,8 KB 209 downloads
The Genus Alpioniscus Racovitza 1908 In Sardinia Taxonomy And Natural History Isopoda Oniscidea Trichoniscidae 2018
PDF – 5,7 MB 184 downloads
The Mechanisms Of Humidity Reactions Of Terrestrial Isopods 1941
PDF – 1,1 MB 221 downloads
The Pigmentation Of Cavernicolous Animals I The Pigments Of Some Isopod Crustacea 1941
PDF – 551,6 KB 191 downloads
The Postmarsupial Development Of Porcellio Siculoccidentalis With Some Data On Reproductive Biology Crustacea Isopoda Oniscidea 2012
PDF – 2,3 MB 214 downloads
The Role Of Armadillidium Vulgare Isopoda Oniscidea In Litter Decomposition And Soil Organic Matter Stabilization 2015
PDF – 33,8 KB 229 downloads
The Role Of Olfactory Cues In Settling Behavior Of The Isopod Armadillidium Vulgare Isopoda Armadillidiidae 2018
PDF – 276,6 KB 223 downloads
The Role Of Plasticity In The Evolution Of Cryptic Pigmentation In A Freshwater Isopod 2018
PDF – 1,2 MB 219 downloads
The Role Of Urban Forest Patches In Maintaining Isopod Diversity Oniscidea 2018
PDF – 639,2 KB 194 downloads
The Terrestrial Isopoda Crustacea Oniscidea Of Rapa Nui Easter Island With Descriptions Of Two New Species 2015
PDF – 2,7 MB 219 downloads
The Spread Of Parasitic Sex Factors In Populations Of Armadillidium Vulgare Latr Crustacea Oniscidea Effects On Sex Ratio 1992
PDF – 2,8 MB 198 downloads
The Transpiration Of Terrestrial Isopods 1955
PDF – 986,8 KB 221 downloads
The Woodlice Crustacea Isopoda Described By Henri De Saussure And Jean Carl 2018
PDF – 1,2 MB 189 downloads
Thermosensibilite De Lexpression Ou De La Transmission Dun Facteur Feminisant Responsable De Certaines Formes De Monogenie Chez Le Crustace Oniscoide Armadillidium Vulgare 1986
PDF – 1,4 MB 152 downloads
Tonic Immobility In Terrestrial Isopods Intraspecific And Interspecific Variability 2012
PDF – 2,2 MB 206 downloads
Transfer Of The Heart Pacemaker During Juvenile Development In The Isopod Crustacean Ligia Exotica 1997
PDF – 701,4 KB 216 downloads
Two New Species Of Asellota Crustacea Isopoda From Coral Reefs On Iriomote Island Okinawa Japan 2015
PDF – 1,6 MB 213 downloads
Two New Species Of The Genus Joeropsis Koehler 1885 Isopoda Asellota Joeropsididae From Korean Waters 2022
PDF – 2,7 MB 215 downloads
Ultrastructural Organization Of Seminal Receptacle And Sperm Storage In Porcellio Laevis Crustacea Isopoda Oniscidea 1998
PDF – 4,5 MB 180 downloads
Ultrastructure Of The Digestive System And The Fate Of Midgut During Embryonic Development In Porcellio Scaber Crustacea Isopoda 2008
PDF – 4,7 MB 216 downloads
Viral Diseases Of Marine Invertebrates 1984
PDF – 3,1 MB 213 downloads
Water Content And Water Activity In The Cuticle Of Terrestrial Isopods 1972
PDF – 457,4 KB 224 downloads
Water Vapor Absorption Allows For Volume Expansion During Molting In Armadillidium Vulgare And Porcellio Dilatatus Crustacea Isopoda Oniscidea 2018
PDF – 1,7 MB 167 downloads
Water Vapour Absorption In Terrestrial Isopods 1990
PDF – 980,0 KB 202 downloads
Widespread Wolbachia Infection In Terrestrial Isopods And Other Crustaceans 2012
PDF – 1,2 MB 227 downloads